Hazard Identification (HAZID) studies are a qualitative risk assessment technique used to systematically identify the relevant hazards associated with an operation, process, or preliminary design. HAZID is a structured, team-based approach that utilizes a set of guide-words to identify hazards, causes, potential consequences, and requirements for risk reduction. They are also used to identify additional studies required like a HAZOP or FMEA. The results of HAZID studies help prioritize actions, enable informed decision making, and allocate resources to reduce risk to an acceptable level. These studies can be used to support meeting a wide range of standards and regulatory programs.
Performed by an experienced and appropriate team, Sharrix software can be used to support the study planning, documentation, tracking of related engineering documents, recommendations, document resolutions, and documentation of timely corrective actions.

Organizations have conducted HAZID studies for many years now yet common deficiencies persist such as study data lost in documents, actions not documented, not resolved, not tracked and show up again in future risk studies.
One way to improve the outcome of your HAZID studies and any related follow-on studies is to utilize Sharrix software. Our next generation software offers ways to improve the outcome of HAZID study investments.
- Risk Assesment actions open, overdue, completed,
- Risk Assessment Scheduled vs. completed,
- Status of HAZID recommendations,
- Status of scheduled HAZID re-validations.
Below are benefits of Sharrix Software
Improve Teamwork

- Support standardization and consistency of HAZID studies
- Automate workflow processes to align with your organizations performance standards
- Reduce time needed by study leaders, scribes, and participants to conduct, document and close out studies
- Standardized Risk Libraries that keep language common across studies and speed access to Process Materials, Process Conditions, Physical Design, Equipment, Control Systems, SOP’s, Maintenance Practices, and Protective Measures.
- Easily work with Sharrix Partners (consultants, auditors, and other technical experts) by exporting and importing studies
Leverage Existing Systems

- Open Architecture – and a flexible set of deployment options, from SaaS to customer site deployment.
- Quickly connect with ERP, Work Order, Incident, Maintenance, and Process Historians.
- Collaboration with document management software to quickly access Operating Procedures, control documents, procedures and other content.
- Display risks with leading P&ID and 3d visualization software applications.
- Keep studies standard by linking with the Master Management Strategy – company hierarchy, equipment, products, and process information.
Measure Results

- Capture performance measures within and across HAZID studies and risk reduction activities that document progress against performance standards.
- Report results across the organizational hierarchy process, product, equipment, facility, business unit, enterprise.
- Improve the development of operating procedures, training, mechanical integrity program, and emergency response plans
Reduce Costs

- Eliminate IT shadow spend from multiple PHA / HAZOP / JHA / WHAT IF / HAZID desktop applications license and maintenance fees.
- Lower cost of future studies – planning, meeting, documentation, and follow up time
- Reduce the cost of hardware and maintenance with cloud delivery
- Reduce preventable problems. Better use of risk studies results in higher reliability, better quality, increased safety, and enhanced customer satisfaction.
Increase Visibility

- Know and show actions are completed for each study with mobile task management.
- Display risks through Engineering software tools (e.g. Intelligent P&ID and Plant 3D Simulation).
- See information about products, processes, equipment and performance.
- Provide reports across a knowledge base of studies and lessons learned from past studies.
- Preserve the wide range of professional knowledge bases available to enable you to complete more thorough research and analysis.
Quickly Adapt to Change

- Business Oriented, Process Based (use our MOC applications or connect with 3rd party)
- Utilize Dynamic Risk Modeling to quickly improve your study approach
- Software and Hardware standards are always changing use software designed to operate in a multi device environment.
- Adjust dates for risk reduction action completion based on budget approval plans
Sharrix also supports the following industry standard models
- Hazard And Operability Analysis- HAZOP
- Fault Tree / WhatIF / Checklist
- Preliminary Hazard Analysis – PrHA
- Layers of Protection Analysis – LOPA
- Safety Integrity Level- SIL
- Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point – HACCP